Fedora 23, the default Fedora TemplateVM version in Qubes 3.2, is scheduled to reach end of life (EOL) on approximately 2016-12-22 (one month after the release of Fedora 25). We strongly advise all Qubes users to upgrade their Fedora templates before then.

In the interest of providing users with a convenient upgrade path, a Fedora 24 template is now available for direct installation. This means that there are now two ways to have a Fedora 24 template on Qubes 3.2:

  1. Upgrade an existing Fedora 23 template.

  2. Install a new Fedora 24 template by running the following command in dom0:

     $ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-24

The later option will result in a fresh template, which you may customize if you wish. A Fedora 24 minimal template is also available, and it can be installed by running the following command in dom0:

$ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-24-minimal

After upgrading to a Fedora 24 template, please remember to switch the appropriate qubes (VMs) to the new template. This can be done either with Qubes Manager (in qube settings) or with the qvm-prefs command-line tool.